More treatments... like 3-7. Sorry!

So I haven't written in a while and to be honest, I didn't think that I needed to because I really haven't "felt" that much different. Chemo has been going really well or better than I could have imagined. I have chemo every Thursday and have had some great family and friends join me. 

Week 1 - Paul,

Week 2 - Wendy

Week 3 - Kate

Week 4 - Laurie 

Week 5 - Marge and Lyla

Week 6 - Jessie 

Week 7 - Paul

(That is more for my memory that anything). Chemo brain is a REAL THING! 

I'm receiving a drug called Taxol during chemo and a good friend who went through this treatment in the past few years told me to "ice" my hands and feet to help prevent neuropathy. So it's nice to have someone there with me to get my ice bags ready. However, I also get Benadryl during chemo so that can make you a bit sleepy, especially when they're out of IV bags and they have to push it directly into your blood stream. That's more like being on drugs for how loopy you get.  

Now truly, these are the only side effects that I'm experiencing from chemo so when I say that I feel "good" to people and they say "No, are you?" I just have to smile and thank God that I'm not experiencing the side effects that you so commonly hear from chemo patients. In general, I'm a very positive person and like to think on the bright side of things vs. the worst. I guess that is a trait I'm VERY thankful that I received from my father. It's not fake! It's a genuine appreciation for people, for life and the small things in everyday. My dad was told that he wouldn't live past the age of 45, he died when he was 71 years old. He treated EVERYDAY as a BLESSING, because it truly was. 


Barbie Erickson